

生料带,Green Tape英语短句,例句大全


生料带,Green Tape

1)Green Tape生料带

1.Development On Green Tapes Of CaO-B_2O_3-SiO_2 System LTCCCaO-B_2O_3-SiO_2系LTCC流延生料带研制


1.PTFE Raw Material Belt聚四氟乙烯生料带,又名密封带、止泄带

2.Development On Green Tapes Of CaO-B_2O_3-SiO_2 System LTCCCaO-B_2O_3-SiO_2系LTCC流延生料带研制

3.This Thesis Attempts To Explore The Technique Of Processing Kelp Jam.探讨了以海带为原料加工海带酱的生产工艺。

4.Mr. Browning Took Both These Home With Him.勃朗宁先生把材料都带回了家。

5.Manufacturing High Quality Rubber Belt Framework Material Through Optimization Duck Process优化帆布工艺生产优质胶带骨架材料

6.The Insects Carry Reproductive Material Called Pollen From The Male To The Female Flowers.昆虫带着叫做花粉的生殖原料从雄花到雌花。

7.Sanjiaodai Rubber Production, Sales Zinc Oxide, Magnesium Oxide, And Other Chemical Raw Materials.生产橡胶三角带,销售氧化锌,氧化镁等化工原料。

8.The Large Versions Can Be Supplied With Auto Loading Equipment For Further Improvement Of Productivity.大型机器带自动加料装置,以提高生产率。

9.Research On Preparation Of LTCC Green Tapes And Lamination By Aqueous Tape-CastingLTCC水基流延生带材料的制备与叠层性能

10.Correlation Between Bacteria In Feed Pellets And Diseases Of Cultured Turbot Scophthalmus Maximus颗粒饲料携带细菌与大菱鲆疾病发生的相关性

11.Vacuum Tower Design Of Plastic Solid Woven Belt Product Line Based On Marc基于Marc的塑料整芯输送带生产线真空塔的设计

12.New Technology For Preparing LTCC Green Tapes With Aqueous Tape Casting水基流延法制备低温共烧陶瓷生带材料新工艺

13.The Scheme Of Producing A Document On A Printing Unit Through The Synchronous Running Of A Program Tape And A Master Tape Or A Pure Data Tape.通过同步运行程序带和主带或纯数据带,在打印设备上产生文档资料的一种运行方式。

14.Knockout Actuated Stripper打料机构带动的卸料板

15.Tall Tufted Perennial Tropical American Grass Naturalized As Pasture And Forage Grass In Southern United States.多年生丛生热带美洲高草,已经引入美国南部,用作牧草和饲料。

16.Your Comments May Backfire And Cause You A Lot Of Trouble.你的评论可能产生出乎意料的后果并给你带来很多麻烦。

17.I Shall Have To Take The Pupils Into The Hills, As Usual, And See Them Settled There.跟往常一样,我要带领学生上山去,照料他们在那儿安顿好。

18.In 1970, One Gentleman Brought Me A Guitar From Spain, To Take Off The Varnish.在1970年时,一位先生带一支从西班牙制的琴,希望把塑料漆弄掉。


Non-Strip Material非带料生产

3)Air Volume Carrying By Raw Meal生料带入空气量

4)Medicated Dressing Of Newborn Umbilical Cord具药新生儿脐带敷料

5)Polytetrafluoroethylene Unsintering Tape聚四氟乙烯生料带

6)Moisture Of Raw Meal生料带入物理水分


生料分子式:CAS号:性质:(一)Mixed Batch; Batch 又称生料。由颗粒原料所组成而用于熔制玻璃的均匀混合物。根据计算的配比,称出各个组分,混合均匀而成。(二)Rubber Compound 按配方将生胶及配合剂用炼胶机混炼后所用胶料,亦称混炼胶,是橡胶制品生产工艺中的半成品。
