

不干胶,Non-Drying Glue英语短句,例句大全


不干胶,Non-Drying Glue

1)Non-Drying Glue不干胶

1.A Kind Of Low-Cost Non-Drying Glue Was Produced With The Waste Foamed Polystyrene Plastics(FPS) As Main Raw Material And Reagents Such As Solvent,Plasticizer,Emulsifier And Thickener.以废弃聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料为原料,通过对溶剂、增塑剂、乳化剂及增稠剂的筛选,研制出了一种低成本的不干胶,对该不干胶的配方进行优化选择,对其性能指标进行了测试。

2.In This Paper,The Method To Make Non-Drying Glue By Modifying Polystyrene Foamed Plastic Waste Was Presented.本文介绍了废聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的资源化再利用—改性制备不干胶的方法;对制备工艺和产品的性能进行了优化;实验结果表明此方法制备的不干胶具有良好的不干性能,粘度大,耐水性好等优点。


1.Permanent Pressure Sensitive (Tamper Evident)永久不干胶(一次性使用,可防伪)

2.I Want A Beautiful Sticker.我想要一张好看的不干胶。

3.This Series Of Machine Is Suitable For Materials Including: Riband, Cotton Tape, Rubber Tape, Nylon Tape, Paper Tape And Adhesive Tape.本系列机械适应材料:丝带、棉带、胶带、尼龙带、纸带、不干胶带等卷装带类。

4.The Machine Is Used For Hot Stamping &Die-Cutting Of Pressure Sensitive Label, Terylene Diaphragm Label And Hologram Register Label.适合纸张不干胶商标、涤沦薄膜商标及镭射防伪商标的烫印模切。

5.For Barcode Sticker, We Use New Address, But Under The Address, We Add( Registered Office), Thus To Identify The Difference With The Old Address.条形码不干胶贴中印我们的新地址,为了表示与旧地址的不同,新地址下要加上公司注册地址。

6.Automatic Cycle Equipment Of Strong Cement And Sealed Cement Store Equipment The Strong Cement Can Teasily Volatilize Or Dry.强力胶自动循环装置及密封贮胶室、强力胶不宜挥发或干涸。

7.Ganmo, Photosensitive Plastic, Stainless Steel Filters, Metal Sound-Absorbing Panels Manufacturing, And Processing.干膜,感光胶、不锈钢滤网、金属吸音板的制造、加工。

8.Preparation Of Alumina Aerogels With Sol-Gel Method By Ambient-Dried Technique常压干燥溶胶-凝胶法制备Al_2O_3气凝胶

9.Experimental Study Of Chondragenic Differentiation In Vitro Culture Of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Combined With Collagen Ⅰ;Ⅰ型胶原凝胶为载体不同细胞密度人骨髓间充质干细胞体外成软骨组织的实验研究

10.For Fine Hair Apply Mousse Or Volumizing Spray . To Damp Or Dry Hair Before Setting.干性发质请使用发胶,或是发蜡,请不要使用定型喷雾。

11.I Bound The Base Of The Tree With Sticky Tape, Making It Impossible For The Ants To Reach The Aphides.我用胶带把树干底部捆扎起来,使蚂蚁不能到达蚜虫那里。

12.I Bound The Base Of The Tree With Sticky Tape, Making It Impossible For The Ants To Reach The Aphids.我用粘胶带缠在树干底部,使蚂蚁爬不到蚜虫那儿。

13.XinTongNing Capsule Intervention Unstable Angina Clinical Research On Vulnerable Blood心痛宁胶囊干预不稳定性心绞痛易损血液的临床研究

14.The Distribution Of Brain Tumor Stem Cells From Different Pathological Grade Gliomas脑肿瘤干细胞在不同病理级别胶质瘤中分布特性

15.Preparation And Characterization Of Silica Aerogels With SoL-Gel Method By Ambient-Dried Technique;常压干燥溶胶—凝胶法SiO_2气凝胶制备和表征

16.Preparation Of Titanium Aerogels With Sol-Gel Method By Supercritical Drying Technique;超临界干燥深胶凝胶法制备TiO_2气凝胶的研究

17.Dry Process Silver Film干法成像处理银盐胶片

18.Air Drying Neoprene Sealant风干氯丁橡胶嵌缝膏


A Sticker, A Sticker.不干胶,不干胶,

3)Adhesive Drug Label不干胶药签

4)Self-Adhesive Label不干胶商标

1.By Analyzing The Operation Characteristics And The Process Of The Printing Press For Self-Adhesive Labels,A Computerized Numerical Control(CNC) System Is Developed,With ATmega 128 Singlechip Of AVR Series As The Supervision CPU And With A Special Bus-Mastering Motion Control Chip PCL6045B To Drive The Servo Motor.通过对不干胶商标印刷机工作特点和工作过程的分析,提出了一种以AVR系列的ATmega 128单片机为管理CPU、通过总线控制专用运动控制芯片PCL6045B驱动伺服电机工作的不干胶商标印刷机数控系统。

5)Non-Dry Adhesive Label Machine不干胶标签机

6)Sticky Printing Machine不干胶印刷机


不干1.无能,不称职。 2.不愿意承担某种任务。
